It's a rough world out there.
Let us show you why a fabricated protective packaging solution made from
is the right choice when total cost and your customer's experience matters.

The old approach
To produce a complex shape in corrugated or molded EPS or pulp, a die is required. Once the expensive die is made, it’s also expensive to change the shape. One die requires maintenance. And, multiple dies from multiple vendors adds complexity.
with OPCO
Fabricated packaging made from OPCORE eliminates the need for a die.
With a fabricated OPCORE solution, that shape can be precision cut - repeatedly with consistent dimensions from production piece 1 to production piece X - without use of a die. And that shape can be easily and quickly changed when your product or package design changes.

The old approach
Live with the constraints of so-called 'less costly' packaging materials. Live with and accept the mass (and freight cost) of heavy corrugated or high-density shape-molded foam.
with OPCO
Fabricated packaging made from OPCORE affords you greater design flexibility.
Reduce total package weight by specifying light-weight OPCORE in areas away from product surfaces and maximizing protection with thin high-impact OPCORE.

Live with and accept the variable impact performance of damp corrugated -or- damp and damaged molded pulp -or- inflexible high-density shape-molded foam.
Paper-based packaging materials can demonstrate a high degree of dimensional variability.(1) Dimensional variability can decrease impact protection, increasing your risk of damage during storage and shipping.
Sources of corrugated and molded pulp variability include:
die maintenance
moisture content
shelf-life and age
care taken with folding
The old approach

with OPCO
Fabricated packaging made from OPCORE affords you greater design flexibility.
Specify high-impact strength OPCORE to maximize product protection and your customer’s perception of product quality. Protective packaging can now be a means to reduce total package weight.
(1) Source:‘Cartons, Crates and Corrugated Board, Handbook of Paper and Wood Packaging Technology’, DEStech Publications, Inc. 2015.

The old approach
Square pegs don't fit so well in round holes. Inaccurate and inconsistent protective packaging can decrease pack-out line yield as care is taken (or not) to address issues with damaged or poor quality protective packaging.
Take on the hidden labor costs to fold corrugated. Accept scrap from water damaged molded-pulp or breakage of poorly molded or poorly designed molded foam.
with OPCO

Fabricated protective packaging made from OPCORE is dimensionally accurate. Pieces are consistent. This means pack-out of product goes smoother, with fewer workflow interuptions.
Sponsor ever more cutting of virgin trees and the energy required to turn trees into fibers or pulp.
According to the Corrugated Packaging Alliance, corrugated products in 2016 use, on average, 7% of materials not from Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) programs, 40% of energy from non-renewable sources and 67% virgin (not recycled) fibers.
Paper recycling REQUIRES new fibers as fibers deteriorate with each successive recycle.(1) New fiber acquisition requires deforestation and energy-intensive conversion.
The old approach

with OPCO
​Fabricated protective packaging made from OPCORE provides for a total reduction in carbon emissions vs alternative packaging materials(2).
​OPCORE is comprised of up to 98% air and it is 100% recyclable as a #6 polymer.
(1) Source: “THE MYTH: We should only use and produce recycled paper,” paperonline.org
(2) Source: “Impact of Plastics Packaging on Life Cycle Energy Consumption & Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States and Canada,” Franklin Associates 2014 This study measures energy use and GHG emissions and is not an ISO 14044 life cycle assessment. Alternative materials include glass, paper/cardboard packaging products, steel and aluminum.

The old approach
73% of study participants indicated they would be unlikely to purchase from the company again after receiving a damaged item(1)
Loose fill packaging created the most frustration with participants
with OPCO
First impressions count and quality matters at OPCO.
Fabricated protective packaging made from OPCORE adds positively to the initial perception of quality of your product. It conveys to the package opener:
- a higher quality product
- a company that cares about 'me receiving their product'
- a professional corporation - or an exceptionally great small business
(1) Source: Packaging Wold, Volume 23, Number 5: "Protective packaging evokes consumer emotion."